Ciao! πŸ‘‹ Welcome to Meet us on the Road.

We’re Ben & Camilla ⏀ from England πŸ«– and Italy 🀌! We met doing what we love most: travelling! 🌏

We both quit our jobs and started solo backpacking around the world independently in October of 2022. Ben quit his job as a software engineer after feeling stuck and purposeless following the pandemic, and Camilla was a researcher at a university in Switzerland who felt restless and antsy to travel.

Our faces

Our paths and destinies crossed at Chiang Mai bus station in November, after only a month of travelling. We were in Thailand for the Loy Krathong lantern festival and just after it, we were both heading towards the Laos border. Due to the festival the buses were fully booked for the next few days and we found each other on the steps of the station, tired, desperate and without a plan! We began talking and joking about our situation, and with no options left, decided to try organising our own transportation and group to get up north. 🚌

From that point onwards our travels were joined, and we couldn’t get rid of each other πŸ˜‰ We’ve been travelling the world together ever since, and always aim to do it on a budget. That includes hitchhiking where ever possible!

Hitch hiking across Thailand
Hitch Hiking across Thailand
Ha Giang loop in Vietnam
Ha Giang Loop in Vietnam

What this blog is for

We pride ourselves on being able to travel on a shoestring budget, and along with our first hand experiences in remote and off the beaten path destinations; we aim to bring you the tips, tricks and guides to forge your own budget adventure around the world.

From motorbike loops, hitchhiking, and alternative experiences, join us as we share travel stories, tips and guides, how you too can travel the world on a budget!

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